This is Windsor Research Centre's Home Page:(and we're still working on it!)
It is intended primarily to inform members, sponsors and the public of Windsor Research Centre's institutional arrangements and activities.
We operate a separate, general interest, Cockpit Country website as a resource for students, researchers, the Cockpit Country communities and the general public.
Windsor Research Centre (WRC) is located three miles inside the "ring road" which is the main access to different communities within Cockpit Country. Easily accessible from Montego Bay airport and the north coast highway, WRC is the ideal base for research in Cockpit Country, and continues nearly 150 years of research tradition at Windsor Great House.
Join WRC and help support our conservation activities; members are especially welcome to visit our Bird Banding sessions.
If you want to get an introduction to our activities and to get the flavour of the wet, tropical forest, why not come for a "Meet the Biologists" dinner at Windsor. Here you will find out what research is going on, how the puzzle of a wet-tropical-forest foodweb is being explored and what conservation activities are being implemented. Accommodation is also available here, and at various locations around Cockpit Country and in relatively-close tourist areas.
We encourage interaction on this site: if you have comments, needs, or are aware of additional information that should be posted, please (We are continuously updating the site)
It is also intended to generate some of the core funding needed to operate the Research Centre by publicising our "Meet the Biologists" dinners and our accommodation.